2020 Construction Projects
Seismic upgrades, new portables, roof repairs and more
You don’t have to have super powers to be on our construction team, but it doesn’t hurt!
There is a lot going on behind the scenes to keep our district running smoothly. The following construction projects are on the agenda for this school year. These projects are funded from the district’s construction budget, not by the 2019 bond.
Seismic upgrades
This is our second year of seismic upgrades. This year, Bethel High School will get diagonal bracing in the cafeteria and main gym to connect masonry walls with the wood framing. Pioneer Valley Elementary and Cedarcrest Middle will each get non-structural work, including the bracing of sprinkler pipes and some interior walls.
Roof replacements/repairs
Bethel High School
Centennial play shed
Cougar Mountain Middle
Elk Plain K-8
ESC Building 1
New portables (12 classrooms)
Shining Mountain Elementary — one double dry portable replacing 1 single
Bethel Middle — one double dry portable
Liberty Middle — four double dry portables
Interior painting
Graham Elementary — classrooms
Camas Prairie Elementary — classrooms
Bethel Middle — common areas
Other projects
- Exterior painting and repairs at Centennial Elementary
- Tennis court resurfacing at SLHS
- HVAC repairs at BHS
- Main gym sound system upgrades at BHS, GKHS and SLHS
- Fencing at Shining Mountain, Bethel and Liberty Middle, and SLHS
- Portable roofs and repairs at Camas Prairie and Nelson Elementary
- New floor coverings at Frontier Middle
- Front office remodels at Spanaway Middle, Camas Prairie and Centennial