Bond Construction Update: April 2019
A lot has happened since voters passed our bond in February. With 66.14% of the community approving the bond and standing behind the need for new schools in our area, we didn’t want to waste any time getting the construction process underway.
A sign recently went up on Waller Road announcing the location of Elementary #18. This formerly Pierce County land is on Waller Road between Military Road and 176th. Geographically speaking, it’s a great location when you consider traffic flow and the distribution of students among the other elementary schools in the area. We are very excited it will soon be home to staff and students when it opens in September 2021.
Recent School Board Decisions
March 12, 2019: NAC Architecture of Seattle, Washington selected as the design team for the new Bethel High School.
March 26, 2019: Bond Sale Planning Presentation made to School Board; the bid for the Challenger High School Phase II project awarded to Christensen, Inc of Tumwater, Washington.
Elementary #19 location
Elementary #19 is currently scheduled to be built in the Lipoma Firs community. The land is not ready to be built on yet, and is part of the final phase of DR Horton’s development schedule. They are currently estimating the site will be done (graded, roads built, utilities installed) in late 2022, which means school construction can start in early 2023 and opening in September of 2024.
New Bethel High School to open in 2023
The design team has been selected and the process of designing the new Bethel High School is underway. Because high schools are large buildings it will take about two years to design it and get it permitted followed by two years of construction. We look forward to the new BHS opening the fall of 2023.
Challenger High School: Phase I
In other construction news, Phase I* of the new Challenger High School is set to begin any day now. You’ll be able to follow the progress of this project with our streaming construction camera which will be up and running soon. We are planning on streaming all the other bond-funded construction projects as well, so you can keep up with the construction progress.
*Phase I of Challenger High School is not a 2019 Bond Project. It is being funded through the General Fund. Phase II of Challenger High School is a bond project.